Profile banner for call_me_k1



Hi! Welcome to my ko-working & ko-eating stream! I am K1 - "The Kueen of the 1-night miracle". Feel free to grab some snacks and drink to work together with a Kozy Korner and Khaos in sometime~

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**Hi!** Welcome to my co-working stream. You can call me K1. I'm based in Bangkok, Thailand. I started streaming to get some productive time while working on my PhD dissertation, and YES!Finally, I got my doctoral degree! I would like to thank you all, my Twitch friends, for always supporting me!! Even though I have a degree, when I need some productive time, I will go on streaming to help me get my work done! So if you need some chill and kozy place, here is a place you can come and hang out with us!
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You can find me there during the other days I didn't stream. I am always welcome to chat with you all! If you see me in the VC Study Room or VC Party, please feel free to join and say hi! PS. If you don't see me there, I know where you can find me.
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**!taskadd** When you want to add your task on my board Thanks: [RythonDev]( [Youtube tutorial]( **! < target-lang > < message >** When you want to translate some conversation, you can use this translator bot to help you to translate it Thanks: [MohFocus]( & Zee
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I do streaming of the times (UTC+7) Bangkok time zone. I am trying to stream by following the schedule I set up, but sometimes it depends on other responsibilities. I will try my best. ✨ Good luck and see you soon!✨
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I had dropped some NFT arts, If you guys interested to look around my artwork please feel free to hop there
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Donations are NOT required at all, but are very appreciated. Any money will go towards my art and education supplies. No refunds on the donations. ETH Wallet : 0x362BaB719C3cEF18ca212fa95f74Ced784fD5392
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You can make my wish(list) come true!