


My name is Calla. I'm 32 and I'm a casual gamer who plays a variety of games, including indie titles and whatever I feel like playing with friends. Come hang out and watch me fail most of the time lol.

About Me:

Hi, I'm Callamomo (formerly Peachezbae), I am new to streaming and just trying to learn right now. I've been playing video games since I was small, but would mostly describe myself as a 'social gamer'. I try not to take games too seriously because I think it's supposed to be fun. I mostly want to cultivate a community of positive people who share the passion of gaming and enjoy doing it together. I am 31 and I live in Minnesota, and I'm currently not working so I'm giving the stream thing a go. I'm pretty open, so feel free to ask me questions and I'll do my best to answer them honestly <3 I play a variety of games and I'm also fairly artistic so I might end up mixing games and creative things. I'm definitely open to ideas/suggestions. I'm NOT GOOD AT GAMES. I'm a filthy casual but I like them anyway. Please be kind.


1. Try not to be a dick. 2. I'm new to streaming so help and suggestions are welcomed, just don't be a dick about it. 3. I'm an open person so you can ask me pretty much anything, but I reserve the right to not respond if I don't feel comfortable. 4. Trolling is fun, as long as no one gets hurt, troll at your own risk. (no overt racism, sexism, etc... see 'being a dick' rules) 5. Chill and have fun.


Donations/Tips are never required, but appreciated if you feel the urge. I'm in the process of upgrading my computer and I need things like a second monitor, etc. for streaming so all donations will go towards the stream. Donations are not refundable. Thank you to everyone for your support! <3


I don't actually have any kind of concrete schedule as of right now because I'm just coming back to streaming. I will post more of a schedule as things progress.