


Game dev, animator, physicist, tran.

I'm Bryn, or canmom, a trans girl in the UK. This used to be a place where I streamed narrative games, and may yet be again, but now it's mainly a place for art streams! I'm trying to make a short film called 'Giant Head' with tools like Krita and Blender. This is also the place for Animation Night - a time to get together to watch animated films!
Streams happen a little erratically on UK evening times. I try to do as many nights a week as possible, but the 'official' days which don't clash with my friend @MogsK are Tuesdays and Sundays. Outside of that? 7pm UK time each week is Animation Night! My friends and I get together to watch interesting animated films from around the world! (But... mostly Japan). For playlist announcements, check out