Profilbanner för cardboardtherapy

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Welcome to Cardboard Therapy! My name is Ace, and I am a burn survivor. On my road to recovery, I struggled with trauma and depression caused by my accident. During my struggle, I found a passion for streaming and trading card games and found it therapeutic. Now I want to share that with others!


Click the 'DONATE' image above, or go to Donations will go directly to improving stream quality, help with upcoming burn surgeries, and help me go FULL TIME! Thank you for you continued support! Much Love, - Ace

About Me

On March 2019, I (Ace) survived a gas explosion that left me hospitalized, fighting for my life. The accident left me burned on 48% of my body and I was expected to undergo 15+ surgeries and to stay for 4-7 months in the hospital. However, due to my healthy lifestyle prior to the accident, and the help and support of my amazing friends and family, I beat all expectations and was discharged after only 59 days and 7 surgeries. Despite my miraculous recovery from the hospital, my journey was far from over. Dealing with such injuries had long term health complications, with more surgeries to come, hundreds of hours of physical therapy to regain my mobility, and the constant pain suffered due to nerve damage, I eventually fell and struggled heavily with depression soon after going home. I found myself isolated, ashamed of my appearance and afraid to show my pain publicly. Months passed as I continued to struggle with the aftermath of the accident. Looking for a way to help myself, I picked up live streaming to help myself with socialization and to find a way to connect with people that shared the same interests I had, which was initially video games. One year after my horrific accident in 2019, March 2020 arrives, and the world goes into lockdown. This left me in charge of my younger siblings. Bored at home, they often turned to electronics and T.V shows to pass the time. Concerned, my parents wanted me to find fun interactive activity that did not involve electronics. This led to my siblings stumbling upon Yu-Gi-Oh! the animated series which sparked an interest to try and play the trading card game. After remembering the amazing childhood memories I had playing and collecting cards with my friends and cousins, this gave me the idea. I bought my siblings their first structure decks - the Shaddoll Showdown structure deck, for my sister, and the Dinosmashers Fury structure deck, for my brother. So began our trading card journey, which we enjoy till this day. The nostalgic feeling I felt from playing and collecting these card games again, brought me so much joy, it felt therapeutic. Now, along with my siblings, I now share this hobby with my long-time girlfriend - turned lovely fiancé, and soon to be wife - Cha, who has helped tremendously along the way. In combining the two very therapeutic hobbies of mine together - live streaming and trading cards - it led me to begin my pack breaking journey, thus leading to the perfect name and creation of our shop.. Now, with the help of my fiancé Cha, and best friend Terry, we bring you - - Cardboard Therapy! -