Банер на профила за casil

2,3 хил. последователи


Поточно предаване на Super Auto Pets за 4 зрители

Probably at the Casino

Съдържание на панел
Hi I'm **Casil** (Castle). I'm located in California and work in tech. I like to chill and play games on my off time, sometimes too competitively. I used to stream fairly regularly, but now I stream at random with my friends. Expect to see competitive play, chill vibes, and many laughs! If you want to know more, just **ask in chat!**
Съдържание на панел
Let's all have a good time, but failure to follow the rules can result in a time out or a ban. If you feel uncomfortable at all, tell me or a mod! >1: No Bullying 2: No Racial slurs 3: Respect Me & the Mods 4: No advertising 5: Act mature
Съдържание на панел
Subscribe to the stream to unlock some cool emotes, and unique sub badges! You can sub for free with twitch prime! Emotes made by [Jinhii](https://twitter.com/pikichuu) Panels + Banner made by [Bubba](https://twitter.com/Bubba_SSB) Sub Badges made by [SeñorPoppers](https://twitter.com/SenorOranges)
Съдържание на панел
*Never expected but very much appreciated!* All donations go into buying food [Click here to donate to Casil](https://streamlabs.com/casil)