Profile banner for caution_exe



I'm exe! (pronounced "Ecksee"!) - a virus that likes playing games, and causing problems on purpose. Come and join our gang - The Murder! Fly with us!

Panel Content
I'm exe (pronounced Ecksee)! I'm a sentient piece of malware with a passion for causing problems on purpose. I love gaming, and anime! My best friend is a cybernetic bird drone called Rodger! We run a badass gang called The Murder - feel free to join our Crows! Fly with us!
Panel Content
Whilst we all love a bit of anarchy, don't be a prick, yeah? Racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, or bigotry of ANY kind isn't punk. Please keep all discussion in English. Do not self-promote - or mention other content creators unless I bring them up. No backseat gaming or spoilers. No doxxing. Respect others and you will be respected! Don't make Rodger sad :(
Panel Content
Basically, go to for some MLG content Or click the panel to be taken straight there!