Profile banner for ceaselessly




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click above to send a tip. 100% of your donation goes directly to me, and will help me out with my bills + buying stuff for stream. thanks so much.
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hi, i'm cease. i started streaming on twitch in april 2020, and broadcast whatever i find interesting/fun. i curate a queer-centered space where all are welcome to goof around. i'm a trans woman and intolerant of shitty gamer politics. please use your head before saying something stupid. if you enjoy lurking, follow alerts on this channel are anonymous and i don't call them out in any way. thanks for being here.
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- no bigotry of any kind - no war but the class war - you're only allowed to be an asshole if you're funny - keep the lewd/NSFW stuff to a minimum - unbans require apologies - fascists, incels, and transphobes are weak - top tier shitlords only, no freaks allowed


**Final Fantasy** FF9 PSX Any% - 8:49:22 FF9 HDPC NMS - 7:56:21 FF2 Pixel Remaster - 2:20:09 FFX-2 PS2 Any - 4:12:37 **RCT** RCT2 Time Twister - 18:11 RCT1 All Scenarios - 25:06 RCT1 Corkscrew Follies - 2:56:40 **Other** Kick Bot Any% - 3:57.703 (IGT) 8 Bit Space All Relics - 26:21 Another Perspective Glitchless - 12:29.062 The Wild Thornberrys: Rambler Any% - 5:37 blind/one-off runs: - Final Fantasy - Pokemon Red - Pokemon Gold - Plague Inc: Evolved