Profielbanner voor celina_0801

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Your world's first pro horror gamer here! I also play a lot of (J)RPGs uwu Business: 世界初のプロホラーゲーマーことセリーナです!(ホラーゲーム以外もプレイします)お仕事のご相談はこちら

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My name is Celina and I consider myself the world's first pro horror game player uwu I'm a variety streamer but I mainly stream rpgs and horror games! # FAQ: **Business email** **What country are you from?** I'm American and Japanese. Half Caucasian, half Asian. **What is your native language?** I'm native in both English and Japanese. I speak/write/read both fluently. **Where do you live?** Japan **What else do you do other from streaming?** I have a normal day job, and I also work as a MC for game event stages/streams. **What is your favorite game/genre?** I love horror games and rpgs and mainly play those! All-time favorites are: Silent Hill series, Resident Evil series, Final Fantasy series, Nier Automata, Catherine (Full Body), Vanillaware games, Legend of Zelda series **Do you play competitive games?** The only competitive games I play are Catherine (puzzle) and Tekken7. I only play Tekken for fun but I take Catherine seriously >:) Other from that, I'm not really interested in other fighting games. **Do you have a PO Box?** I can give you my manager's address so please DM me if you would like to know! I also have a discord server so please join the familia as well<3 discord: セリーナです! 主にホラーゲームを配信していますが、他にも色々プレイします! 配信以外ではMCや実況等のお仕事もさせていただいております。(実況は主にキャサリンと鉄拳) キャサリン(フルボディ)を競技としてプレイしているプレイヤーでもあり、現在は鉄拳7も特訓中です!(キングを使っております) 好きなゲームジャンルはホラー、RPG、パズルで、好きな作品はキャサリン(フルボディ)、Biohazardシリーズ、ゼルダシリーズ、FFシリーズ、サイレントヒルシリーズなどなど(*'▽') 専用discordもございますので是非ご参加下さい! discord: Pixel Art by: Jmason Buttons by: Initiative


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Please: -Do not ask personal questions (specific place I live, age, relationships, etc.) -No backseating unless I ask -No creepy/lewd comments -No spoilers/discussing leaks -No spamming -No negative talks about other streamers -Do not promote yourself or other people in chat
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Every donation will be used to improve my streams! I truly appreciate all of your support!!(*'▽') Please click the Donate button up top! I also have a Amazon wish list: 皆様からいただいた寄付はすべて今後の配信に役立てさせていただきます!いつもサポートしていただき本当にありがとうございます!! 上のDonateボタンを押していただくとドネーション画面にアクセスできます!