Profile banner for ceradwyn



"... All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us." - J.R.R. Tolkien. Time is precious, waste it wisely. Thanks for wasting it here!

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Hello, I'm Cera! My name is Tiff and you can call me that as well! I play all things narrative/choice based on stream but off stream my bread and butter are MMOs and RPGs. I'm a mom of 2 and avid gamer. I worked in the veterinary field before having kiddos and currently have 8 dogs and 6 cats. I am actively studying for my veterinary assistant certification and will be attaining my dog training certification afterwards.
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Schedule? PFFFT Idk man, I go live 1-3 days a week around 8:30pm CST. Commands: !agga !baja !crank !fuckem !ken !polar !sky !vae !waterboard !wiggle Special Bitties: 69
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Panel Content
Screens: OxannArts Bio Panels: OxannArts Profile Banner: JunbopStudios Alerts: DigiFami Emotes: SeviYummy Emote Animations: SkylarqStreams Sub Badges: ShoYukia Bit Badges: VidElement
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- Be kind and show respect. No discrimination of any kind will be tolerated. - No discussion of politics or religion. - No spoilers and no back seating unless specifically requested. - No spam, no coming in to chat just to self promote, and must request to post links.