cez_tv 프로필 배너

팔로워 1만명


Cez_TV님이 Pummel Party, Pokémon Sword/Shield, 포켓몬스터 레츠고! 피카츄 방송 중

패널 콘텐츠
Hey everyone! I'm Ceri (Kerry) but you can call me Cez (Kez). I am from Ireland so therefore I will swear like a sailor lol. I used to stream Pokemon Shiny Hunting but now have moved onto variety, mostly Nintendo games. I enjoy being interactive with my chat while I stream unless the game requires a bit more concentration, but I will do my best. Hope you enjoy your stay here, everyone is welcome <3
패널 콘텐츠
If you would like to you can subscribe to the channel. Subs get the use of the Hype emote and tier 2 subs get the use of the love emote and tier 3 subs get the Moist emote. Other sub perks included the freedom to post links in chat, a sub voice channel on discord and an occasional sub movie night
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If you are feeling generous and would like to donate towards the stream, click the image above. Donations are appreciated but never mandatory Donation alert variations: Makes a man go NOOT NOOT - top donor of the stream Oh god! - €1.69 Aipom! (My least favourite pokemon) - €1.90
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I'm a StreamGifts Partner! What that means is that you can send me gifts directly in the mail while keeping both of our info private now. If you wanna send me a gift you can check out my wishlist by clicking above. An alert will go off on stream if you send a gift while while I'm live
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Show off your support by wearing our amazing merch! (Click the image above to load the page) Art done by Nemirart