Profile banner for cfowl22



Hi, everyone! CFowl22 is the name, but Daddy Birb also works. I love playing anything Nintendo, but you'll catch me playing other things from time to time, too. Come chat me up anytime! Current Series: X/Y-SoulLink with Dakotah, and Infinite Fusions-Bug Type Monolocke


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Before there CFowl22 on Twitch, there was only Me on Instagram! Join me there and keep up to date with me and my life.


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Donate HERE! Everything given goes to adding more twigs to the Nest. Meaning I can use it to upgrade stream equipment, purchase new cosplays, and anything else to help me create more content for you. It's not required, but it's always appreciated. Thanks for helping out Daddy Bird.


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Love my cosplays? Then see them in action over at my TikTok. Like, Comment, and Share with your friends. It helps greatly for Content Creators like yours truly.


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If you're part of the Flock, then join The Nest! It's a very welcoming Discord Community full of all those baby birds that have gathered together from all reaches of the internet. Hope to see you there!