Profile banner for char_zard



Sparkling Dazzling, full of positivity and absolutely orange. Haven't I seen you at an anime con? ✨Creative Streamer✨ & Lover of all ✨fanciful things✨. Let's be friends, okay? ✨💖✨Twitter- @tristencitrine


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Hi, I'm Char! If you go to Anime and pop culture conventions in North America, you may have seen me hosting panels, being glittery in videos and spreading the love of anime everywhere I can. If you've been in fandom for a while, you may know I'm also a cosplayer (started in 1998) and lover of all kinds of fiber craft. Before joining the anime industry (2018 marks my 10th year), I was a professional costumer, jewelry maker and wig artist in Las Vegas. For my entire life, I've been a creative person. Nice to meet you!
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What I Stream

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Fanciful Positivity! Mostly, I'll be streaming needlepoint and other hand sewing projects, but when I have time, I'll stream cosplay creation as well. I love talking with people, so I'll focus on the types of projects I can do while being interactive. As for video games, I'm a big fan of Strategy RPGs like Disgaea and JRPGs like Persona 5 and Final Fantasy. My favorite classic game is 7th Saga.. That alone should give you a hint about how patient I can be. And yes, I beat 7th Saga all 7 ways and even had a hamster names Tetsujin. <3
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Some Rules! No hate speech of any kind, no bullying, no cruelty and no kitty-shaming will be tolerated. Feel free to ask questions about the projects or about sewing in general- I love to help! Let's have fun while being lovely to each other, okay?
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I Love Anime! Not only am I a proud member of the anime industry, I adore the medium among other forms of Japanese entertainment. Ranma 1/2, Sakura Taisen and Sailor Moon were some of my formative titles. Lately, I find myself adoring Love Live, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Mr. Osomatsu, Kemono Friends and anything glittery as well. Do you know about Takarazuka? I'm a huge ride-or-die Tsukigumi stan. I'll happily talk about the industry, but please understand that due to my role, much is under NDA.
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Who Are Those Nyos? Throughout the stream, you're likely to see cats, yay! In Texas, you'll see Truffles, a chubby Tortie, Taiga, a small and adorably hateful brown Bengal cat, and Takkun, the suave and sweet black tripod cat. In San Francisco, you'll see a lot of Thunderclese, who is a Snow Bengal very VERY closely related to Taiga. He is my baby boy but was diagnosed with Feline Leukemia, despite FeLV vaccination, in 2016. We do all we can to care for him and keep his happy,purring and THICC. He loves the camera most of all the cats.
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Like What You See? If you want to support the stream, it's super duper appreciated! Right now, all funds go directly to Thunderclese's vet bills, which have exceeded $10,000 in 2017 alone. He is worth every single penny. In the future, I may consider upgrading streaming equipment, but for now, what I have works fine enough and I'm pretty resourceful. Donations are non-refundable, so please only donate what you can afford. You'll even trigger a cute animation in the stream. Thanks for your support, everyone! <3
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Find me on Twitter! I'm very active there and post lots of cat images and other updates.
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Find Out More! Want to learn even more? You can find out more about me, see some of my cosplay, learn about some of the titles I worked on and more on my site, Sparkling Dazzling. Check it out if you have a moment!