Profile banner for charisma25



Hai im Charisma and i do things, Im kinda new to the whole streaming thing and im trying to find a way to set it up so the quality isnt so bad, but if you're willing to build a community or just wanna come hangout feel free to say something in chat, Regardless just have a wonderful day

Artworks and other things

Emotes: @xxbubblepuffxx @Ivyisadino @blujungi @morrigh and @BadRhyme Panel on the starting soon screen: PresleyHanzlik Pomatomaster Kamonajess Badrhyme Queendaisy Assets: Fugi: @CheckyNyanChan @Vaneailla


Collabs. Dont show disrespect to my stream friends this can and probably will result in a swift ban. Jokes are jokes you know the difference. Please be kind. Plain and simple. Playful bants and teasing in jest is perfectly fine... Just don't be a butthead. Twitch ToS is our overlord. Please remember this. No Spoilers. This is such a mood killer. Suggestions and general QoL advice is perfectly fine. No Self-Promotion. This goes for promoting other streamers as well. Mentioning others in general conversation is cool, but actual promotion is kind of rude man. No trauma dumping. While I don't mind if the topics slip into somewhat emotional. Do not come out of nowhere and dump heavy topics at me. It's uncomfortable for me and the rest of chat. Please don't ask to be let on stream While I do like talking about possible collabs, please do not ask to be brought onto stream while I am live. It is kind of uncomfortable !EXCEPTION BEING! if it's a community game sort of thing and I am actively inviting people onto stream/call. Enjoy your stay Ya'll make this place, take care of yourselves and make each other feel welcome too <3 My mods have my full authority regarding timeouts and bans and may excise these without warning if the situation demands. They are trusted by me both in their judgement and enforcement of the rules and making this a safe space for all.


Just putting a panel here to keep track of how far we have come!! I honestly couldnt have made it this far without you guys <3 19 March 2022: Started proper streaming 13 April 2022: Hit affiliate!! 16 April 2022: First subs!! MonstroVT and the_nathandertal. 17 April 2022: First T5 hype train ;-; 19 April 2022: Hit 69 Followers! with Bongchopper5000 as number 69!! 19 April 2022: The Amazing Bubblepuff drew some beatiful emotes for me <3 I just love and adore them so much~ 7 May 2022: Hit 100 Followers with number 100 being JackieAiarbi <3 31/05/22-1/06/22 First 24 hour + Stream Sorry I took a whole month to commit to it 20/6/22: Hit 150 Followers!! With DariusTheSpaniard as number 150!!! 25/7/22: Hit 200 Followers With: ItsJustTheTipOK As number 200!! 27/8/22: Hit 250 Followers!! With starkilla_71_ttv as number 250~ 12/9/22 Shieeett we HIT 300!!! tunanatatsumaki Was number 300 I guys just thankyou Thank you guys so much for the love


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