Profile banner for charlie5l



Streaming Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn with 1 viewer

I came back as a bag of groceries accidentally taken off the shelf before the date stamped on myself.

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I do stuff. I do games, music, the pie's the limit as far as I know. My schedule is inconsistent but mostly late night. (West Coast NA) Professional Dr. Pepper addict. TMBG fan. Go figure.
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This stream is open to viewers of all races, genders, but is 18+. Just be respectful to others and don't be a POS. Don't like it? Leave. Also don't ask me to unban you from any channels that I mod for.
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Click the panel to read some questions I get asked sometimes. More so about CSGO settings. I have since updated it, so it's no longer an image but a Google Document.
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Click the panel or [here]( to read about my current setup, PC and music wise. I continue to upgrade my setup overtime, so do expect updates on the document.
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Links: [YouTube]( | [Discord]( Peeps: [Knavish]( | [Moochi]( | [Tikka]( | [Serena]( | [Chunk]( | [Halo]( | [Gianna]( | [Kapriana]( | [Madi]( | [Mike]( | [Fi]( | [Mark]( | [Saiythia]( | [Shelby]( | [Jess]( | [Cauli](
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Join the server to get stream notifications, chat with me and buddies, and other stuff. It's a calm and quiet office complex so don't make a mess out of it.
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Click the panel or [here]( Tips aren't necessary, as your time is more appreciated. Please consider your own well-being first. If you prefer to tip via TF2 items instead, Steam Trade [here](
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Click the panel to read what commands I have available for you to spam. Or you could just type !commands in chat and Nightbot will respond with the link. That works just as well.