Profile banner for charliethesalty



A former World of Warcraft, the Sims & IRL streamer, who doesn't stream much anymore.

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The name's Charlie, but you can call me Charles if you're nice. Neither is my real name, but that's a different story, for another day. I'm a former World of Warcraft, TS4 & IRL streamer, but don't stream much anymore.
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Always appreciated, but not needed. Will most likely go towards wine. I like wine. You guys like watching me drinking wine. It's a win-win, really. Scare alerts are ALWAYS ACTIVATED They will trigger when you donate (exactly): * £6.66 * 666 bitties There are also sound alerts you can trigger with bits (click the logo on the right side of the screen) and pick the one you want, including "free" alerts via channel points.
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We consider us a "non-sub" channel as I am not pushing for partner. But if you decide to join the Salt Mine and become ONE WITH THE SALT you get some perks. * You get some killer emotes * No adbreaks/Ad-free viewing * Casual Film Nights with friends * Pick what the new emotes should look * Pick what the sub emotes should looks like * Get FIRST PRIO when there's any group content being played, such as raiding or doing mythic+ in World of Warcraft
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* This channel is +18. * Don't be a cunt. * Respect the streamer, respect the mods and respects the fellow community members. * Compliments are nice, but don't be a creep. * No racism, homophobia (incl. transphobia), sexism etc. * This channel is a SAFE SPACE - please keep it that way. * Also, if you missed it, don't be a fucking cunt, cunt.