Profile banner for cheever7



River on NoPixel WL | Aurora on WildRP | Follow me on Twitter: @TheCheever7


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Stream whenever life lets me!


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Be Positive! Please no stream hopping unless you are showing LOVE! There is enough negativity in the world and I would like to not contribute to it and instead fight against it!


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Hello! I am a new streamer who has always loved video games but the year of 2020 craziness exposed me to the whole world of streaming! Then I was exposed to RP and thought it would be super fun to be a part of! I started streaming mostly to be able to make some clips for memories and to share and for everyone to laugh at! My Background I have been playing games just about all my life. I was mostly a PlayStation Girl and have owned all versions of PlayStation. I think the first system I owned was SEGA and still remember the cheat code to skip levels in Aladdin :-)! Final Fantasy VII was the game the got me hooked on gaming. It still is and will probably always be my favorite! I have played all of the Final Fantasy single player games since and love each of them. FFX has got to be my second favorite! Business Email:

Social Media

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Follow me on Socials as I work to build them! Will be posting clips on all! Twitter, Instagram and Tiktok are all: @TheCheever7