Баннер профиля для cherrylemonlace

115 фолловеров


Tired in/succubus vtuber with a love for the 2d and spicy food. Overlay made by https://twitter.com/vanouji i: https://twitter.com/pirateshrimp h: https://twitter.com/LiquielArts

Содержимое панели
Hey! I'm a 1000 something year old Succubus/Incubus streamer. I'll be doing Visual Novel streams and Art streams mainly, but if anything else catches my fancy..well..join me for the ride! Live 2d Art: https://twitter.com/scarfboyfriends Rig: https://twitter.com/Mintyptv Icon: https://twitter.com/pirateshrimp Header: https://twitter.com/LiquielArts Overlay: https://twitter.com/vanouji Starting Screen: https://twitter.com/364ing01 Ending Screen: https://twitter.com/osamushi57 Chair/Panels: https://twitter.com/BomiVtuber Background: https://twitter.com/xkorro Boba: https://twitter.com/7MDigital Logo: https://twitter.com/PepperCatArt Stinger: https://twitter.com/_meiraonline Table/mic: sozaino.site
Содержимое панели
- No derogatory language/slurs - I may be a succubus but I don't like d*cks, be polite :-) - Have fun!
Содержимое панели
Only if you feel so inclined.
Содержимое панели
Image links to twitter.