535 urmăritori


Part time streamer, Streaming games such as Dota 2, CSGO and GTA V. And love spending time with my friends

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Welcome to my channel! My name is Chibipandaboo. You can call me Chibi, ChibiPanda, Panda, Pandaboo, or any other the other options you can think of !
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It is now possible to subscribe to ChibiPandaBoo by clicking on the above subscribe image! If you choose to do so you will earn my gratitude (obviously! :P ) and various perks in the channel such as: - Gain more pandalicks! - Obtain your very own sound effect/command! - Gain the ability to add .gif picture commands!
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I love playing new games so expect the game list to change whenever I find something fun to play! However these are my current most played games: * Dota 2 * Counter-Strike: Global Offensive * GTA V
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When you enter my channel you must abide the following rules: 1. Be respectful to me and everyone else on the channel. 2. No racism/hate/harassment/discrimination/sexism. 3. No discussion regarding this game is better than that game. 4. No spamming/ No bots allowed. 5. Links are automatically removed. Ask a mod for permission to post one. 6: No advertising other streamers without my permission.
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You can donate to me by clicking on the above image ! As of 1/1/2020 all donations will go towards my new PC goal. Planning to get a new PC early 2021. There's seperate alerts for different amounts 1 .00 6.90 10+ 20+ 50+ 69 69.69 100+
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My channel has a loyalty currency called Pandalicks. Pandalicks can be spend to enter giveaways and to simply show off how loyal you are to my channel ! CAUTION: Changing your name on twitch makes you lose progress on your licks! Contact me first! To check how many pandalicks you have collected so far use **!licks** Pandalicks can be obtained by: 1: Lurking in the channel (online or offline). 2: Talking in chat gives additional pandalicks. 3: Hosting my channel. 4: Raiding my channel. 5: Donating.

Pandalicks event!

Pandalick event ! This event will consist of a pandalick competition! Here is how it will work: 1: Every 3 months the top 2 pandalicks will receive a reward for their contribution to the stream! 2: One person can win muliple times but can not win the competition twice in a row. If the same person would still be the highest in pandalicks the reward will go to the next corresponding highest pandalick owner. Please check the pandalick section to find out how you can gain pandalicks! Winners so far: - Blasman13 - Itsm00ny