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ผู้ติดตาม 2.2K คน


Tea fanatic, demon enthusiast... and cosmic disaster

Chi here! I like to stay chill and consume copious amounts of tea. I'm the unluckiest person you've ever met, and also a voice acting student in Spain. Aqui se habla spanglish, asi que di hola en español si quieres. Parece que soy mas mal hablada es español que en ingles, la verdad...
Subbing helps a lot and you get a bunch of perks with it: + No ads + A bitching badge + Even bitchier emotes + My undying gratitude **You can sub from your mobile device [here](https://www.twitch.tv/subs/chibonus)!**
Tips are appreciated, encouraged and will make me love you forever! Deja una propinilla! Si quieres, claro, no soy tu madre tampoco...
+ [Twitter](https://twitter.com/riichibonus) + [Instagram](https://instagram.com/chibonus) + [Steam](https://steamcommunity.com/id/chibonus) There's also a discord, ask me or a mod for an invite!!