922 követő


I stream videogames with commentary.

Who is this mexican sounding guy?

My real name is Diego, but I'm also known as Chilean Retrogamer or simply Retro and I'm a gamer from Chile (South America). I used to be a very regular (and somewhat well known) retrogaming streamer between 2008 and 2010 (when this site was still Justin.tv). Back then I used to be only focused on retro games but I'm currently into all systems and generations, so expect a lot of variety from me. I haven't been as active in the last years since I've always been more of a Youtube person. I'll do my best to stream on a regular basis. Enjoy your stay.

Things to consider (think about them as "rules")

1. Backseat gaming is BAD, don't do it. 2. I DO use cheats and save states...sorry, but I'm one of those who think videogames are meant to be played for fun so I have NO interest in getting frustated over a game, much less on camera. Besides, I really don't have that much time for me to sit in front of a game for more than 2-3 hours. So I'd kindly advice you not to comment or complain about my methods...I'm generally a cool guy to hang out with but DO NOT question my methods. 3. I can be good at games sometimes, and from time to time I can commit myself to play games completely legit so not everything in the stream will be bad gameplay, cheating and save stating.

Where else can you find me?

[Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/user/retrojuegoschile) [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/chileanretrogamer) [Twitter](https://twitter.com/chretrogamer)

What do you do for a living?

I work for a logistics company as customer service agent. Pretty cool huh?

Do you accept donations?

Yes, I do. If you like what you see and think I deserve a bit of your generosity, by all means: [Donate Here](https://twitch.streamlabs.com/chilean_retrogamer)

What will you stream exactly?

I actually do a bunch of things on my stream. I honestly hate comitting or getting attached to a single project, so I work on several things at a time.