chiliofdestiny için profil afişi

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Seize and consume your destiny!

About me...

Panel İçeriği
Name = Nathan. I'm a 800 year old actor and video game designer.


Panel İçeriği
Make sure you check our videos on Youtube! [Comedy Sketches]( [Stream Highlight Videos](


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I use this thing, so you can tweet at me and crap. [Twitter](


Panel İçeriği
Seize and consume your chili based destiny! Subbing not only supports the stream, but will trigger the best sub alert in existence*, featuring the Chilibringer from the Sky. Subs get the Chili chat badge, have access to sub chat, sub games and activities (tbd), and sub emoticons. *Sub alert quality is based on subjective analysis by the alert's creator and may or may not actually be the best alert in existence. But it is.


Panel İçeriği
**1. Who is the girl on your desktop OMG?!!!!** A. That's [Im Ji Hye](! She's Korean. And retardedly beautiful. **2. Are you the voice of the Scout from TF2?** A. YUP **3. Will you do Scout stuff?** A. Only as a donation reward currently. **4. Is it weird hearing your own voice in a video game that you play?** A. Not at all! But I like my voice so.../shrug **5. What's your favorite TF2 class to play?** A. Heavy! Then Pyro or Demo. I am a terrible Scout. **6. Are there anymore YNKUYTI videos in the works?** A. Not currently, although there are a lot of scripts we have done. Your support and encouragement would definitely help them come to fruition, so let us know you like them and want to see more! **7. What is your favorite You Never Know Until You Try It video?** A. Tough call but if I had to pick just one....[XmasInMay]( **8. What Mic do you use?** A. A Rode NTK **9. Can I play games with you?** A. Probably! **10. Can I add you on Steam or League?** A. You can, but I won't accept. It's nothing personal, there are just way too many people, and it's just too much to manage. **11. What games do you play?** A. Mostly strategy games. I love League and SC2. Dark Souls is probably my favorite game of the last 15 years. And I dabble in select FPS games, like TF2 and L4D.


Panel İçeriği
If you like the stream and want to help keep it going, donations would be the way to go! Just click on the dino! **Donations of $5 or more will play a sound on stream.**

Steam Group

If you want to play steam games when we are playing, this is a good way to do it. Just join the steam group! [Stream Group](