Profile banner for chillsahoy



When life gets crazy, I recommend picking up a game and just chill. Relax, give your mind time to settle, then you can think more clearly afterwards.


Ahoy there! Welcome to Chills Ahoy, home of the chill. Feel free to sit down, kick back, and relax. This is a place to enjoy video games in a calm and fun environment. I keep the rules simple: treat others how they would like to be treated. Let's behave like adults. Cussing is OK but don't overdo it. Calm, civil talk of serious subjects is fine as long as it doesn't get out of hand. We live in a society, okay? Film references: abundant.


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Games list

Ongoing: - Path of Exile* - Elder Scrolls Online* - Guild Wars 2* - Final Fantasy IX - Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward *These games will be played whenever I feel like it, with no completion date as they are online. Completed: - Danganronpa 1 - Danganronpa 1.5: Ultra Despair Girls - Danganronpa 2 - Danganronpa V3 - Deltarune - Final Fantasy III - Final Fantasy IV - Final Fantasy IV: The After Years - Final Fantasy V - Final Fantasy VI - Final Fantasy VII - Final Fantasy VIII - Life Is Strange 1 - Life Is Strange: Before the Storm - Life Is Strange 2 - Undertale - Xenoblade Chronicles - Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (and Torna: The Golden Country) - Zero Escape: 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors. To do: - Remainder of Final Fantasy series (Steam only) - Bioshock - The Witcher - Mass Effect - Assassin's Creed - DOOM - Suggestions???