Баннер профиля для chimichangajones

887 фолловеров


I'm just a guy who likes to play games and say weird things. If you love games, and or burritos, join me on my escapades.

Содержимое панели
If you feel so inclined to throw me some scratch via PAYPAL it's super appreciated. Tips and donations help keep me streaming and every little bit helps. Thanks in advance. Click the picture above to donate or [CLICK HERE](https://twitch.streamlabs.com/chimichangajones)


Содержимое панели
Join the Discord and become a Chimichangaroo! Don't miss a moment of the fartnanigans.
Содержимое панели
We accept NANO donations! Ask Timi about it.

Pubescriber Benefits

Содержимое панели
Want to support the channel? Subscribing is a great way to do that! And, we will be continuously adding new benefits to show our thanks for your support. Current Pubescriber Benefits Include: - Super Cute Chimichanga Emote - Ad-Free Viewing - Multi-play with the boys. - Open invite to sleep on our couch (we retain right to revoke this invite at our discretion)


Hit me up, ask me questions, find out when I'll be streaming next... The possibilities are endless. [Twitter](http://twitter.com/ChimichangaJ) [Facebook](http://facebook.com/ChimichangaJ)