chimp 프로필 배너

팔로워 6.6만명


Degen Gambling Ape

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패널 콘텐츠
Business Inquiries: **Where are you from?** *American/Jordanian citizen but ethnically Palestinian* **Where are you staying?** *at the moment currently in Vietnam* **Age?** *unfortunately 25* **Is this real money you gamble with?** *Yes it is, can show my deposits/withdrawals If needed* **Will you ever stream league again?** *Never on this channel, I do have a [league channel]( but again it's very rare that I do stream on there* ---------------------------------------- [Twitter]( [Instagram]( [Youtube]( [Discord]( [Snapchat]( [TikTok]( [OnlyFans](
패널 콘텐츠 **$1 minimum or 100 bits minimum for text to speech.** *Please remember that these donations are non-refundable. Click the picture above to be redirected to the donation link. Top 5 All-time donations will be listed below* * **Homedog360: $????** 👑 * Extanea: $1200 * Uchihafnx: $400 * Trevbig: $267 * Puggyboy : $210 *You can also donate with BTC/ETH with the following addresses* BTC(15pU3Xi99o5fnt4JwQpF4fKwth7wbqgqpr) ETH(0x397614184640E6BA00Fe62B8D6195148B9F5FA11) **Alerts are disabled for cryptocurrencies so just message me on discord if you did so I can show my gratitude** ^_^
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