chioxinvalderin 프로필 배너

팔로워 1,493명


Going somewhere only I know.

About Me

I'm a variety streamer, and I'll play a lot of different games. Kind of whatever I feel like, on a whim. My life is a weird one, I never really followed the straight an narrow. I went from Game Designer, to Machinist, to Web Page Programming. Honestly, who knows where else I'll go. I've always had a background in games, and loved games. I've been around since the 1980's so I suppose I've old views on games. But my interests aren't just in games. I own a Jeep, and I've been trying to get out and camp, and hit rocks with said jeep. Life is strange, and the best way to enjoy it is to explore it in it's many different facets. Get out of the house, touch some grass.


I'm starting up the YouTube, apparently it is the way, to get ahead in the streaming world. I kind of like it though! I'm only just learning how to edit. So nothing fancy yet. Definitely check it out though for videos of my achievements!

Chat Rules

I'm unsure how to express this anymore, as everything known to man kind has become politically offensive to someone. So let's go with this. I don't care about your politics. I care that you're a civil human being and find most people can be. I do not follow the crowd however, so if you want to spout off some doctrine you believe is true, expect I might bite back. I'm not going to police your language, but I ask that you all be kind to each other. Know that we won't always agree on various subjects, and that it's ok to think differently than others. If things come to a head, agree to disagree, and move on. We're all here for video games anyway, so let's just agree to drop it. I and mods will likely warn once, before removing you. Key word, likely. There are always exceptions.