Profile banner for chocl8girl



Amazing, dipped in awesome, covered in bitch sprinkles. Bibliophile. Melomaniac. Basorexic. HTML/CSS/JS wrangler. Serial organizer. Reluctant adult. Mother. Lover. Friend. Dreamer. ♋. INFJ. Lasso-er of the moon.

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Hey, what's up, I'm Tricia. You might find me playing games, knitting, playing the ukulele, doing some writing prompts, reciting poetry, who the heck knows, but I'll probably be drinking wine while I do it! I might not be the best at playing games, but I try to have fun doing it, and I love to chat and interact, so please say hi if you drop by! :)
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I stream via several different methods, including PC, PS5, and Switch. Computer stats: Intel Core i7-11700F / RAM 32GB / HDD 1TB + SSD 1TB / nVidia GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER [Add me on Steam]( Epic Games: chocl8girl PSN: chocl8grl XBox: ChocL8girL
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I'm working on a more comprehensive schedule, but here's what's going on so far! Sunday: Stitch and Bitch 5 PM - 8 PM EST
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Subscription benefits: * Ad-Free Chat * Custom Emotes to use in Chat * Custom Discord Roles, Sub-only Voice Chat, and Movie Nights Don't forget, you can use your Amazon Prime to subscribe for free!
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Come be a part of the Chocoholics on Discord!
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Never necessary, always appreciated.