Bannière de profil pour chromaticdice



Welcome to Chromatic Dice! A group of colorfully chaotic nerds here to make you laugh, cry, and join in on our crazy adventures.

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WELCOME TO CHROMATIC DICE! We are a mixture of D&D Tiktokers who have come together to tell one hell of a story through a D&D Campaign! This campaign will be taking place on @GameMasterCraig's homebrew world of Arkanon & will be played under the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition rule set!
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RULES OF THE CHAT! . Be Respectful . Do not Spam Links/Self Promote . No Rule Lawyering/Gatekeeping . Any Sexism, Bullying, Racism WILL NOT BE TOLERATED
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GAME MASTER: @GameMasterCraig PLAYERS: @JeanaDonohue @TaylorAnnTracy @AlecTheBard @Kaiswonderfullife @Odinn_Sonn