


Hello gamers welcome to the stream ! Check out the panels for more info.


# Where would i be without ❤️**Xz3hra**❤️ *one of my best friends💖* [Check out her stream👈]( **Number 1️⃣ bit leader = 66,400** ❤️**Just_Casey_ttv**❤️ *The original Honorary Nerd🤓, and streamer of the month for November🦃 2022* [Check out her stream👈]( **Number 1️⃣gifted sub leader =293** **Number 2️⃣ bit spot = 38,930** ❤️**JessSousa**❤️ *Honorary Nerd🤓, book worm📖🪱 and amazing wizard🪄* **Number 8️⃣bit spot = 6,302**


+ # No hate/disrespect of any kind, that includes but is not limited to sexist, racist, or homophobic remarks. + No self-promotion unless given permission by me or a mod, this includes clips! + ## Banter is greatly encouraged, bullying is not, and will be met with an immediate timeout followed by a ban on your second offence + Please limit the number of negative comments made toward the game being played. I understand that games have glitches, and poor balancing, and poor development, etc. But i rather talk about what you enjoy not what you hate ! + ### Bringing up another streamer in a negative fashion will result in a timeout, repeat offenders may be banned!


There is currently no community discord for the Dinos! But you can add my personal discord by searching **ChungusTheDino#0350**

Social media

# Feel free to follow me at any of these places for daily content [Youtube]( [Instagram]( [Facebook]( [Twitter](