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My Etsy Shoppe for all things Pottery and nerdy crafts. <3
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**Subscribing to the channel is an excellent way to show Twitch how much you enjoy being here.** Never expected, always appreciated! When you join the next tier of The Midnight Society, you get: ♥ Access to my emotes, each tier has a different one ♥ A cute little star badge next to your name in chat ♥ A rank and color in the Discord ♥ Access to the sub only Discord channel ♥ Access to sub only movie nights ♥ Priority in playing with me in multiplayer games ♥ More coming soon! ♥
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A huge thank you to these fine people! DrPineappleBoy - For being with me since the beginning. You've never waivered from supporting me, and I am forever grateful. The most amazing muse. <3 Wakapedia - For being awesome and supplying many chill tunes for the stream. shandyjess - For making AMAZING artwork for my channel! Check her out on Twitch or on Twitter @shandrak or on IG at @shandrakart The Mod Team - For always being there and being awesome. P00se2 - For always submitting amazing drawings of me. :3 My various donators and supporters of the stream. Without you guys, none of this would be possible. ##Top One-Time Donation: Ayiga - $600 ****** ###Top Cram Hoarders: **♥ 2015: DrPineappleBoy ♥ 2016: DrPineappleBoy ♥ 2017: Wakapedia ♥ 2018: DrPineappleBoy ♥ 2019: DrPineappleBoy**

2020 Goals

~♥ Open a shop for my pottery/art~ **DONE!** ♥ Graduate with my Bachelors in HR Management (2nd degree baby!) ♥ To survive!