Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho circecroft

10,3 N người theo dõi


I'm Circe [SUR-SEE], a child at heart with a passion for spooky adventures. Join me on my mission to craft unforgettable memories, unite heroes, bridge communities, and weave a tapestry of compassion.

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
- Name: Circe [SUR-SEE] - Pronouns : She/Her - Former name: cvw220 - Age: 35 (Aquarius) - Ethnicity: American-Filipina - Games: Indie, horror, & survival - Favorite Games: Tomb Raider, SH & RE - Hobbies: Cosplay, manhwa, graphic design & rock hounding - Pets: 2 corgis & a St. Bernard - Status: married. Soon to be mom of 2
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# STREAM SCHEDULE COMING SOON # Rules: - Be kind & respectful to each other - No puzzle spoilers or excessive backseating - Please be patient, I have inattentive ADHD
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*Pay what you want for games & support charity*
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*Fundraising for Extra Life 2024 [Donate Here](*
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