Profile banner for clearcaidance



I began streaming to connect with people while working on several long-term art projects. I love talking about a wide range of topics! I believe in acknowledging difficult topics while emphasizing the validity of emotion and ultimately seeking to balance with intentional positivity.

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My stream incorporates a number of fun chat commands available to everyone. !awkward - When more difficult topics are discussed this gives advocacy for any community member to request a change of topic without having to share details. I expect everyone to respect their boundaries. !selfcare and !lurk - both of these activate a randomized chat message !sound - provides in chat reminders of random sound commands Join my discord to find a complete list and to learn about bonus commands for subscribers.
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Join us on Discord for shared artwork, live co-working sessions, updates on special events, and more.
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This sample of in-chat commands is available to everyone and will play sound clips in the stream. Join my Discord for a list of additional commands including ones open only to subscribers.
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A fun way for the community to show appreciation while supporting my self-care. Please never feel obligated to contribute in any way monetarily. Positive community interactions hold more priority for me. <3
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Donations are never required or expected. All donations go toward new stream equipment and materials.