Profile banner for clemclementine12



I am a volunteer for RGB LAN, a 3-day, BYOC LAN event that supports charities and raises money by the good of gaming. I love game charity, and an avid gamer, and play almost everything. Stop by and have some fun!


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RGB LAN is a three-day long, 360 seat, BYOC (bring-your-own-computer) LAN party and charity video game tournament, dedicated to power of gaming for good. Teams are paired with local charities. Which means, every time a team wins, its charity gets a donation and its players get a prize. It’s that simple.


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If you would like to support me in reaching our donation goals, please click here and donate to my fundraising page. The donation you make will be put towards our donation totals, and will change lives forever.

Sign up here

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Haven't signed up yet? There are still spots available for this year's RGB LAN 6 happening February 16th to 18th! Sign up today!