Profile banner for clickstix



Teacher turned Streamer | XBL GT: ClickStix | Twitter: @ClickStix | Pull up a seat, the fire's warm!

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1. Don't post graphic or overly offensive messages or links. Definitions are at the discretion of the moderators. 2. Some members are under 18. Please keep this in mind. 3. Be kind to each other and respect different opinions. 4. Please no self promotion. I will call out fellow streamers.
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Donating helps keep the stream alive and well. Every cent is appreciated
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I am a teacher by day, streamer by night. I have been playing all different genres of games since I was able to pick up a controller. I specialize in CCG, shooter, open-world, and side-scrolling platforming games. I played MTG back in the days of Unlimited. Feel free to ask me anything your heart desires! I try to keep my language PG, but you never know when a rage may occur...
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Subscribing is a Rad way to support the stream. Every sub is extremely valuable and I appreciate each and every one of you.
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