cltrona 프로필 배너

팔로워 204명


Biohazard zone: watch your step!


패널 콘텐츠
**Name:** Citrona **Pronouns:** She/They (sometimes masc is accepted) **Occupation:** Exobiological Researcher stationed at The L.I.M.E. (and definitely not a fugitive) **Birthday:** May 9 (Earth calendar) Find me on break here streaming art or the occasional video game! You can also find the extent of my online presence using the command !social Enjoy your stay, and don't drink any unlabeled liquids! **Thank you~!**
패널 콘텐츠
**DON'T BE LAME (please)** **Please try to avoid political discussion! We're just here to vibe bro.** **Racism, sexism, etc. will not be tolerated.** **Don't beg for requests/free art. I will occasionally do request streams. Try your luck then.**
패널 콘텐츠
#Here's a list of commands that are currently on my channel: **!social** Find out where else I exist on the internet **!commissions** Check out my commission info if you're interested **!pwyw** Get more info on pay what you want requests! Min $5. Thank you for your support! **!requests** Info for when I'm doing request raffles **!uptime** How long I've been streaming **!roulette** Test your luck with Russian roulette **!8ball [question]** Ask the almighty 8 ball anything **!love [name]** Check how much love you have with someone else **!hug [name]** Hugs~
패널 콘텐츠
Send in your tips through here! They are 100% never required but 100% always appreciated! Thank you for your support <3
패널 콘텐츠
**Hardware** Huion Kamvas Pro 16 11" iPad Pro 2nd gen **Software** Painttool SAI/SAI 2 Procreate
패널 콘텐츠