Profile banner for coach_nok



Hey everyone, I'm just your average everyday Dad that loves to game. I'm not an MLG player but I have the heart of a champion. From time to time my kids join in and we have fun. If you are really lucky my wife sometimes hops in to the games I play.

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Welcome to the channel! I'm a husband and father first and a gamer second. I used to play WoW and main tank for a progression guild. Now a days I enjoy the pc and console life with a variety of games. The current game that holds my interest the most is Destiny. I feel it's the perfect blend of FPS and MMO for me. Some things to remember: 1) Be respectful to each other and me ;) 2) I get very focused on my game and sometimes miss answering chat 3) I'm really laid back and sociable (when i remember to have chat in view :) ) My goal is to finally one day be able to beat my wife in a video game.
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They are not required but if you do tip then it will go to The Extra Life Organization.
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A Burphy is what we call strategically stupid maneuvers. Things like inconveniently placed Titan bubbles, face checking sniper lanes and over all awesome blueberry achievements.