Biểu ngữ hồ sơ cho coconutb

478,2 N người theo dõi


CoconutB truyền trực tiếp Slots, Rust và SCUM.

Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Use code COCO for 100% DEPOSIT BONUS and exclusive game and UFC promotions. GIVING AWAY $1000 THIS MONTH!!!
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
Support me by buying yourself 3D Printed Rust skins! Use code Coco for 10% off!
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
**RULES** 1. No racism, homophobia, religion talks, sexism and politics. 2. **DO NOT** disrespect my mods, doing so will get a automatic 600 second timeout followed by a permanent ban from the stream. 3. Please don't backseat game unless asked. 4. Please don't ask when other streamers are streaming. I have **NO FUCKING IDEA** 5. No stream sniping
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
**All donations received will go to enhance the stream! And will be greatly appreciated** to activate text to speech no scam All donations are non refundable. A Special Thanks To These Supporters.
Nội dung bảng điều khiển
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