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I'm a goofball who enjoys making people laugh. I play all kinds of games from Mario to niche RPGs and everything in between.

About me

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Welcome to my channel! As an affiliate Twitch streamer, I'm passionate about gaming and enjoy playing a variety of genres, including immersive RPGs like Final Fantasy X, breathtaking adventure games like Horizon Zero Dawn, and emotionally impactful story-driven games like To the Moon. In addition to gaming, I'm also an avid anime fan and enjoy watching heartwarming romance anime like Your lie in April, as well as action-packed shonen anime like My Hero Academia. When I'm not gaming or watching anime, you can find me geeking out over the latest computer hardware releases and tinkering with my own builds. Join me on my journey as I explore the worlds of gaming, anime, and computer hardware. Let's have some fun together!

Chat Rules

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Welcome! Here are the rules for this chat: -Be kind and respectful to everyone in the chat. -Do not be rude, vulgar, racist, bullying, sexist, or engage in any similar behavior. -Do not post links or self-promote unless you have permission. -Respect the moderators. Thank you for following these guidelines and making this a positive and welcoming space for everyone


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I Stream 3 time a week. Monday is my variety day and Wednesday and Friday are my ongoing game series God of War 2018 My stream schedule is Monday Wednesday and Friday 6 PM EST


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Discord, Youtube, Twitter Ect


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You can donate here! Though appreciated it is never expected or required. All donations are non-refundable!