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Unrailed!, 54 izleyici ile yayında

Nail Artist, Gamer, Youtuber, Streamer. Expect incredibly tight & incredibly loose gameplay.


I'm Colette (she/her), AKA My Simple Little Pleasures, a full time content creator doing nail art, gaming, youtube & variety streaming from Minneapolis, MN (USA). Having a beautiful manicure is one of life's simple little pleasures, and I like to share my enjoyment! I love streaming the testing & experiments that usually go on behind the scenes, before I record a tutorial. I'm not a professional so you can learn from me and with me as I improve old techniques and continue to try new things. You'll also find lots Hollow Knight randomizer & speedrunning here, along with Stardew Valley & other games!


- Respect my mods - they have full discretion when I can't keep up with chat. - Respect each other - no bullying, hate speech, etc. - Try to keep it positive - if you're having a bad day, come here to cheer up, not bring everyone else down. (This doesn't mean you can't talk about bad/sad stuff - everyone needs to vent sometimes! But then we give energy to the positive things, even if they're only little things.) - Try to keep it chill - no politics, religion, or other divisive topics. - Don't be an asshole or a troll (Unless you want to be banned). - Don't backseat or spoiler games- if I need help I'll ask chat directly. - Please keep chat in English - it's the only language I know. - Additional rules will be added as needed.


TTS (Text to Speech) on: Resubs Cheers over 100 bits Donations over $1.00 SPECIAL ALERTS Myla roulette on 101 bits Hungry Midwife on 102 bits Pale Lurker on 666 bits/ $6.66 5 or more Gift Subs 10 or more Gift Subs Anonymous Gift Subs (any amount)


I consider all my chatters, all my lurkers, all my fans & viewers as emotional supporters! Any financial support is strictly optional, NEVER expected, and ALWAYS appreciated! You can: - [SUBSCRIBE by clicking HERE](https://www.twitch.tv/subs/colettemslp) - you'll get a sub badge, ad-free viewing, & (soonTM) 30 Tier 1 emotes. If you have Amazon Prime, [link your accounts HERE](https://twitch.amazon.com/prime) to take advantage of Prime Gaming with a free sub every month! - CHEER in stream with bits - If you're unfamiliar with bits [click HERE to learn more](https://help.twitch.tv/customer/portal/articles/2449458#HowtobuyBitsforCheering) ! - [TIP by clicking HERE](https://streamlabs.com/colettemslp) - you can use PayPal or a credit card. (Tips are non-refundable) - As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. You can: - Browse for anything you might need [starting HERE](https://amzn.to/2lZlZIV) - Check out my stream equipment [starting HERE](https://amzn.to/2t18ZWb) - Check out my nail essentials [starting HERE](https://amzn.to/2KM9iQh)


- [Discord](https://discord.gg/hhPvxcz) - Join the Simple Little Community! - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/ColetteMSLP) - Announcements & stuff. - [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/c/MySimpleLittlePleasures) - Nail art tutorials & nail stream archives. - [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWylYyZMPCgOAgBElQwErHQ) - My new channel - gaming stream archives. - [YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/c/ThroughoutMe) - Vlogs & stuff. - [Instagram](http://instagram.com/mysimplelittlepleasures) - Nail art & IRL pics. - [Blogger](http://mysimplelittlepleasures.blogspot.com/) - Where it all started. - [Pinterest](http://www.pinterest.com/colettemslp/) - Boards of my work, and things I want to try. - [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/My-Simple-Little-Pleasures-119041034826219/) - Honestly just the same stuff as Instagram LOL.


My current schedule is a bit flexible but there will usually be streams on Saturdays & Sundays, as well as 2-4 varying weekday streams. Updates regarding specific times get announced in my Discord, and I also post when I go live on Twitter.


Polette polish bottle !emotes by [moonbandit_](https://www.twitch.tv/moonbandit_) unless otherwise noted Pudding, Claw & CALP emotes by [MIT_Battery](https://www.twitch.tv/mit_battery) Preach & Ritual by [DwarfWoot](https://www.twitch.tv/dwarfwoot) BRB Reel by [TropicalFreeze21](https://www.twitch.tv/tropicalfreeze21) Hollow Knight amigurumi !dolls by [Loopz](https://www.twitch.tv/loopzloop18) FFZ mslpBean2 by [artofpraisemoyer](https://www.twitch.tv/artofpraisemoyer)
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Throne is a privacy-first wishlist for creators - check out my list by clicking above!


Music (titles announced or listed in stream) is all by Kevin MacLeod [(incompetech.com)](https://incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License: [http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0](http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0) unless otherwise noted