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Cool_Br33ze streams Crusader Kings III.

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I have been gaming for over 25 years and throughout it all I've always enjoyed this lifestyle most when I get to share experiences with others. I sincerely hope that you join me so together we can create a community that transcends gaming. As a new streamer I will be trying to find my niche and streaming style, I welcome all advice and feedback. For now I will be strictly gaming but down the line who knows, maybe I can find a way to share some of my outdoor adventures too! I plan to stream anything I would normally play; genres ranging from FPS to AAA to grand strategy and all sorts of indie titles. I hope you enjoy the diversity of titles for now and who knows I may stick to a streaming format that showcases a wide variety of games. Regardless of what I'm streaming I hope that I can provide some entertainment and nurture a fun and open community!
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- **18 + Only** I'm fairly tame but every once and awhile my dark sense of humor will show itself. ****** - **Be Respectful of Others** I will not tolerate hateful speech and/or actions of any kind. If I fail to notice such behavior please let me know and I will take action. ****** - **Advice** Its welcome for my stream but when it comes to gaming please ask first. Sometimes the struggle to learn is part of the fun. ****** - # Have fun, enjoy yourself, be active in chat or feel free lurk!
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By no means am I expecting anything more out of this channel than a fun place to game with people I enjoy. If you want to show some additional support financially, I am humbled by even the thought, I will put all tips towards the growth of this channel. ****** To tip click [Support]( here or at the top. Thank you and much love!