Profilbanner för coreyaether

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Just your average video editor/gamer living in a castle in sky!


Bit Notifications

Current Special Bit Notifications: 69 bits - Sensual Corey 300 bits - Oh Baby a Triple! 303 bits - I'm a vegetarian 603 bits - I'm a guhnome 666 bits - Number of the Beast 777 bits - I'M THE ONE WHO WINS! 786 bits - YEAHHHHHHHHH! 1989 bits - Seinfeld 2008 bits - Joker: You complete me! 9000+ bits - Custom 10000+ bits - Custom

PC Specs

PC Specs: MB - ASUS ROG Maximus XI Hero GPU - ZOTAC Gaming GeForce RTX 4090 Trinity CPU - Intel Core i9-9900k Ram - 4x16GB G.Skill TridentZ (64GB) PSU - ASUS ROG STRIX 1000W Gold OS - Windows 10 Pro Equipment: Mouse - Logitech Pro X Superlight Keyboard - Ducky One 3 Microphone - Shure SM7B Mixer - Helicon GoXLR Headphones - Sennheiser HD 650 FaceCam - El Gato Facecam ADDITIONAL EQUIPMENT: - El Gato Stream Deck - Phillips Hue Starter Kit - El Gato Keylight


Tips are never required, and are greatly appreciated in improving the stream. All current tips are going towards improving tech for stream/purchasing games to play on stream. If you deem this ill spending of your money PLEASE do not donate. By clicking send donation in this link you are agreeing that the money sent is final. Charge backs will be fought.