Profile banner for corvid_group



Primarily simulator based gaming. Security content is on Youtube.

Nightbot commands?

!discord - Get community discord link !pc - Current PC specs !gear - What flight gear I'm rocking SC Specific stuff: !fleet - Current flyable fleet for Star Citizen !org - Link to the SC org !refer - My SC referral link

Who are you?

Me? Why do you care about me? Oh...yeah, this is my channel. I'm a professional hacker and part time tech and security educator. I love sharing stuff I'm passionate about, and I love learning about other peoples' passions. Streaming seemed like a natural fit.

What games do you play?

I primarily play sim games these days. Most active in Star Citizen, though you may catch me playing Elite Dangerous, Star Wars Squadrons, and maybe even some Mech Warrior. I've got a pretty cool simpit built that allows me to play anything involving joysticks with some decent immersion.

Star Citizen Community Info

[Community Discord]( [r00k's Fleet]( [The Corvid Group Org](