Profile banner for coupofgrunts



Just a coup... of grunts.. like the fish or something.. surely not an anagram!

Panel Content
We are a group of [REDACTED] who sometimes stream by ourselves and sometimes with each other. Nothing is set in stone, there is no schedule and we all do whatever we want, because if this doesn't work out, there are plenty of other fish in the sea.
Panel Content
[EF CHANNEL](/ef1411) - Enea is your local Italian male, playing whatever degenerate game that he found during the weekend while making jokes that make you question why you ever followed this channel. Keep your girlfriend away from this guy. [ZAROCK CHANNEL](/leezarock) - Matt is a really weird guy. He doesn't do drugs, but he sometimes wishes that he did so that he could finally climb out of the lower ranks in Dota 2 and CS:GO. When people hear his voice, they usually confuse him for an Albanian, but luckily for him, being a Southern Italian, this statement isn't far from reality. [RON CHANNEL](/katinjegat) - Nobody really knows why Ron is a part of this channel. He just showed up someday, and now we can't get rid of him. Please help.
Panel Content
We have a Discord, feel free to join it and then leave again after the awkward slices and the low quality memes become unbearable.