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CPMAReplays streamuje Quake III Arena.

What is this?

This is a 24/7 channel that runs Quake 3 Challenge ProMode Arena replay files (demos) in a queue, ran by a bot in chat. To see the current list of commands, type !commands in chat.

What game is this?

Obsah panela
This is a mod for Quake 3 called CPMA, or Challenge ProMode Arena. You can download the mod at [playmorepromode.com](http://playmorepromode.com) as well as the official game client, CNQ3. You can also join the CPMA discord at [https://discord.me/CPMA](https://discord.me/CPMA)

Who made this.

This channel is developed and ran by [ArcticRevrus.](https://twitch.tv/arcticrevrus) You can see the bot on [Github.](https://github.com/arcticrevrus/DemoBot)
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