Profile banner for cressup



Hiya! I'm a UK streamer (she/her) who loves playing retro and modern adventure games! I also get game developers on my stream to chat about their work - including Ron Gilbert, Tim Schafer and Dave Grossman! Join us for a silly time :)

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Hi there! Thanks for checking out my stream. If you're a fan of: - adventure / point and click games - indie games - live Q&As with gaming icons like Ron Gilbert - general silliness then you're in luck, give me a follow, as all will be provided here!
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I stream adventure games on Tuesdays and Thursdays at around 8pm - 11pm UK time, then other things (Dark Souls, challenge runs etc!) on Sundays again some time around 8pm - 11pm.
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Pretty simple really! If you're going to join in the chat in the stream all I ask is that there's: No bigotry (homophobia, sexism, racism, transphobia etc) - that's a ban No politics No game spoilers unless I say / the game tags say so. That's it really!
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If you'd like to support my stream directly without the Twitch middle man, in particular my DJ sets which I buy all the tracks for, please click the button and chuck me a few bob!