1.2万 位关注者


Cruzerthebruzer 直播 World of Warcraft、Path of Exile 和 League of Legends。

###**How long have you been playing League?** I started playing League back in late February of 2010. I remember because my friend who introduced me to the game pointed out that Mordekaiser had been released that day. ###**What are your favorite champions?** I've always played a lot of Lee Sin so he's probably my favorite. Lee sin is also how I got popular originally. My other favorites are Jayce, Blitzcrank, Thresh, Zed. I tend to favor play making champions more than not. :) ###**What teams have you been on?** *Team Legion* (January 2012 - October 2012) with Demunlul, Lautemortis, iNoobish, and pr0lly. *Nobody Important Died* (November 2012 - January 2013) with Nubbypoohbear, RobertxLee, Zekent, and Unstoppable. *Azure Cats* (March 2013 - May 2013) with Demunlul, Bigfatlp, Draguner, and Obituarist. *Team Dignitas* (November 2013 - May 2014) with kiwikid, Scarra, imaqtpie, and Crumbzz. ###**Why did you stop streaming as frequently?** Honestly there was a time when all I would think about was streaming back when I was more popular. Unfortunately for me Baja Broadband has one of the worst experiences as far as internet providers are concerned that every time I streamed I had a lot of issues ping and packet loss related. I kept trying to trouble shoot it for months before I slowly stopped streaming. I currently have a different ISP that has better % uptime, higher upload speed, but it has slightly increased ping. ###**Why aren't you on a team now?** There's a lot of reasons why I'm not currently trying to join a team I've struggled with a lot of bad luck as I would call it when trying to play League professionally. [Info](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Zl4MSfLOjJT3PAOUyd2l56J9PeqOR6z6QGQ0k9dCL08) Sometimes I wish I just pushed through depression and just kept going in a couple of spots but I didn't. I'm not looking to join a team either. I need to get my life turned around and get healthy again. :) ###**What's wrong with your knee?** Don't wanna clutter this up too badly. Here's a [synopsis](http://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1w9ptn/cruzerthebruzer_talks_about_joining_team_dignitas/cf07n2r). ###**If there are any other questions you have or would like to see added to the FAQ let me know I'm very receptive of what people say so just drop me a message on twitch, twitter, or facebook! :D
###**Computer Specs** https://pcpartpicker.com/user/Cruzerthebruzer/saved/#view=46cGJx