Profile banner for ctgzealot



HELLO ALL! I am a Strategy Game player and I am doing this as a fun thing on the side. I'll be streaming Strategy Games and the occasional MMORPG with Mama Zealot as well. We will talk politics, and shoot the breeze together. Usually on in the evening!

Donation to the War Fund

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This is a tip page. Please make sure you understand you do not need to give me money. If you earmark the funds give with "DIABETES" I will make it part of the donation I give!

BRB Screen: Spvwvky

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Transition/loop slide that keeps our little dystopian FED RUN SOCIETY vibes.


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Metal Neck is a fantastic POC artist and a long-time friend of mine. He is a fantastic grim/horror/kaiju/giant monster/action artist and honestly if you enjoy big fighting comics, you should read his works. Metal also drew both Eagles I use, so give him a follow.

PNG Artist for Friendos: MUNCHKINDUCKY (and waif)

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Munchkinducky is a fantastic cute artist who draws fluffy and cute people and scenes. If you enjoy wholesome art with a hint happy and friendly vibes, while all wrapped up in angy duck energy, they are the artist for you.

Crusade Against Diabetes (DONATE)

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The Amaranth Diabetes Foundation (ADF) is a 501(c)(3) organization that serves as the charitable arm for the Order of the Amaranth, a Masonic women's body that raises money for diabetes research each year, and helps directly fund research in the fight and eventual cure of diabetes. They work with the American Diabetes Association to coordinate research efforts and have given hundreds of thousands of dollars in the fight against Type I and Type II Diabetes.