161 takipçi


Ohio streamer that loves to play a wide arrange of games.

Panel İçeriği
I am an Ohio-based gamer. I do not have a set schedule as I work every other weekend. In addition to my primary occupation, I am also a full-time single father to a delightful little girl.
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Achievements and Goals

Achievements: - First stream - 5/29/2021 - 50 Followers - 5/30/2021 - Affiliate - 6/11/2021 - 100 Followers - 7/22/2021 - 1st Subathon - 11/26/2021 -Return to stream - TBD - Tenative July 2024 Goals for 2024: -Grow a community -Expand my setup
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Chat Rules

+ Any disrespectful, belittling or hateful comments will not be tolerated + No sexist/racist/ageist/homophobic comments + You have a right to your opinion but there is a time/place for certain discussions. My opinion may come out at times if you disagree, that is your right. + No spamming the chat + No IRL full-names or talking about age (Please follow Twitch's age restrictions) + Trolls are not welcome and will be banned
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Panel İçeriği
Donations are never expected and always appreciated. Any donation will be used to help expand the stream and also to get a house one day. If donations are used for anything else, you will be notified. Please click here to [Donate](https://streamlabs.com/curlingfire) or click image above
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