Profile banner for cutiepandachan



!Slowly picking it all up again, tysm for waiting! Little panda who loves dancing and all things Japan. Mainly plays Just Dance but also plays other games at times like Overwatch, Phasmophobia, Cities: Skylines and community games. Feel free to stop by and grab some bamboo! \\(^w^)//

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Hiii, welcome to my channel! ❤ I'm Amanda and I'm from The Netherlands. I lovveeeee dancing! So I mainly stream Just dance. I also like to play games such as Animal Crossing, Cities Skylines, Overwatch, Sims4, Tropico 6, WoW, Age of Empires Phasmophobia, community games and so on. I love to: ❤ dance ❤ play games ❤ visiting Japan ❤ study Japanese language ❤ just chat ❤ easy nailart ❤ eat ❤ bake ❤ make music (guitar, flute, piano) Also, feel free to chat so I can get to know all of you! In the weekends I stream Just Dance. But to be sure, please follow me to get the notification when I will go online or join the [Discord]( for the latest schedule! \(^.^)/ Oh and by the way...I love Pandas, hihi! Started streaming: 22 March 2020. (Was absent Oct-Dec2020 and from April 2022 - June 2023 due to severe medical issues.) Twitch goals: ❤ To reach 500 followers - 01/08/2021 ❤ To reach 1.000 followers ❤ To do a charity fundraising ❤ To do a sponsor/collaboration stream - 20/03/2023 ❤ To do more sponsor/collaboration streams ❤ Ultimate twitch goal: to become a partner!
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Animation and badges: The cute animations and badges are made by the lovely [Lonelypeeper](! ❤ Banners: The beautiful banners are made by my lovely bestie [Coleenali](! ❤ Emotes: We have eight great emotes for T1 now! So get subbed and spread the emotes everywhere! It also helps us to unlock one more slot for a new emote! The emotes are made by [Navidraws](, [TimRemmers]( and [Coleenali](! ❤ Panda/Pinda: Every viewer has his own Panda which you can control! The commands are written down in the commando panel! If you are subbed, you're panda transforms into the epic Pinda! This pinda is even bigger than the pandas, whoaaa! This is all programmed by [TimRemmers](! ❤
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Donation is not necessary, but very much appreciated! ❤ If you donate 20 euros/dollars or above, you will get a hand written postcard with a small gift! ❤ Remember that the donations are not refundable. You can donate [here]( <a href='' target='_blank'><img height='200' style='border:0px;height:200px;' src='' border='0' alt='My Wishlist' /></a> You can also buy me something from my Wishlist:
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Don't forget to take a look at my Socials and leave a follow if you like! ❤ [Discord]( ❤ [IG]( ❤ [IG Tie-Wrap]( ❤ [Youtube]( ❤ [TikTok](
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!slay !onfire !sass !swag !sauce !hype !hype2 !hype3 !hype4 !hype5 !hype6 !hypeclap !hyperain !hypesub !buscando !join <name of the song> !joininfo !brb !back !lurk !unlurk !angel !BRC !donation !incomingraid !raid !raidsub !deathwave !uptime !followercount !tw Panda commands: !dance !cookie !pandalove !sleep !moonwalk
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