


You can call me Cyba. Do you like 3D art, metal and terrible gameplay? You're at the right spot.


If you want to, you can make a donation that will go towards improving my gear and setup.

Instruments and Music Hardware

Harley Benton 7 string guitar LTD 6 string guitar Harley Benton 4 string bass Behringer Uphoria U2 Audio Interface Peavy Amplifier

PC Hardware

AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 6-Core Processor NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 16GB RAM

Kokolibot commands

-!current, !currentsong- --- Usage: !currentsong Displays the currently playing request in chat. -!edit, !editrequest, !editsong, !change- --- Usage: !edit <artist> - <song> Edits your top-most request on the playlist. -!edit #<your request you want to change>- --- Usage: !edit #2 If you have multiple requests on the list, !edit #2 will edit your 2nd request on the list etc. -!owneddlc- --- Usage: !owneddlc Displays a link to the Official DLC list. -!playlist, !list, !songlist !queue !sl- --- Usage: !playlist Displays a link to the full playlist. -!pos, !position- --- Usage: !pos Displays your top-most request on the playlist OR provides a list of positions that your requests are currently in. -!remove- --- Usage: !remove reg / vip /all Will remove the specified song from the playlist and refund any tokens automatically if vip is removed. -!request, !song, !songrequest, !sr- --- Usage: !request <artist> - <song> Normal song request command. -!search- --- Usage: !search Provides a link to search for songs in the database. -!setlist- --- Usage: !setlist Displays the current setlist. -!viprequest, !vipsong, !vipsongrequest, !vsr, !vip- --- Usage: !viprequest <artist> - <song> Use VIP tokens to request a VIP song. -!request / !vip *tag- --- Usage: !request / !vip *random !request / !vip *random *official !request / !vip <artist> - *random !request / !vip *any !request / !vip <artist> - *any *random adds a random song from the database to the list. *official adds a song from the official pool. *any should overwrite the 'no matches' tag and instead have the 'streamers choice' tag If artist is included, it should only pull songs from that artist.