Faixa de perfil para cybapixel

210 seguidores


You can call me Cyba. Do you like 3D art, metal and terrible gameplay? You're at the right spot.


Conteúdo do Painel
If you want to, you can make a donation that will go towards improving my gear and setup.

Instruments and Music Hardware

Conteúdo do Painel
Harley Benton 7 string guitar LTD 6 string guitar Harley Benton 4 string bass Behringer Uphoria U2 Audio Interface Peavy Amplifier

PC Hardware

Conteúdo do Painel
AMD Ryzen 5 3600X 6-Core Processor NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 16GB RAM

Kokolibot commands

Conteúdo do Painel
-!current, !currentsong- --- Usage: !currentsong Displays the currently playing request in chat. -!edit, !editrequest, !editsong, !change- --- Usage: !edit <artist> - <song> Edits your top-most request on the playlist. -!edit #<your request you want to change>- --- Usage: !edit #2 If you have multiple requests on the list, !edit #2 will edit your 2nd request on the list etc. -!owneddlc- --- Usage: !owneddlc Displays a link to the Official DLC list. -!playlist, !list, !songlist !queue !sl- --- Usage: !playlist Displays a link to the full playlist. -!pos, !position- --- Usage: !pos Displays your top-most request on the playlist OR provides a list of positions that your requests are currently in. -!remove- --- Usage: !remove reg / vip /all Will remove the specified song from the playlist and refund any tokens automatically if vip is removed. -!request, !song, !songrequest, !sr- --- Usage: !request <artist> - <song> Normal song request command. -!search- --- Usage: !search Provides a link to search for songs in the database. -!setlist- --- Usage: !setlist Displays the current setlist. -!viprequest, !vipsong, !vipsongrequest, !vsr, !vip- --- Usage: !viprequest <artist> - <song> Use VIP tokens to request a VIP song. -!request / !vip *tag- --- Usage: !request / !vip *random !request / !vip *random *official !request / !vip <artist> - *random !request / !vip *any !request / !vip <artist> - *any *random adds a random song from the database to the list. *official adds a song from the official pool. *any should overwrite the 'no matches' tag and instead have the 'streamers choice' tag If artist is included, it should only pull songs from that artist.